
Greensinks at LIVING KITCHEN, Cologne 19-25th January 2015

Project GREEN SINKS was showed at LIVING KITCHEN fair with brochures, notice boards and molded sinks with recovered raw materials.
A lot of interest from visitors was demonstrated about the project and its advancement.
LIVINGKITCHEN fair has established itself in Cologne as the central meeting point of the kitchen world with more than 142.000 registered visitors in this edition. Over 200 well-known national and international suppliers from 22 countries had presented their latest ideas and innovations.

Below is shown the corner of the stand dedicated to Green sink’s project.

Photo 1. Corner side of GREEN SINKS PROJECT

Greensinks at LIVING KITCHEN, Cologne 19-25th January 2015 Read More »

Lecture GREEN SINKS – LIFE 12 ENV/IT/000736 at the Institute of Organic Chemical of Science Chemistry in UNICAM Camerino

Lecture GREEN SINKS – LIFE 12 ENV/IT/000736 for the students of Science Chemistry in UNICAM in the Doctorates classroom at the complex of Carmelite nuns at the Institute of Organic Chemical in Camerino.
Camerino 18th December 2014

Dr. Pianesi has shown the project “GREEN SINKS” in its entirety in English language.
Were listed objectives, the problems from chemical interest, the results obtained and the activities still to be done until the end of the project.
For the occasion was made a very detailed power point presentation and the equipment with which the materials have been prepared for the laboratory pilot trials, and industrial tests and some picture of the results obtained.
Students and professors of the University who participated were about 40.
They have demonstrated a lot of interest through direct questions at the end of the presentation, first of all the issues related to the complexity of the synthesis of the molecule for the functionalization and the effects that the project will have in terms of conservation of environmental and natural resources.

Photo. 1 Lecture of Dr. M. Savina Pianesi of GREEN SINKS PROJECT

Lecture GREEN SINKS – LIFE 12 ENV/IT/000736 at the Institute of Organic Chemical of Science Chemistry in UNICAM Camerino Read More »

Il progetto GREEN SINKS arriva in Africa alla fiera EXPO MEDINIT di Casablanca in Marocco dal 28-31 ottobre 2014

Salone Italiano del design e delle tecnologie per l’arredamento di interni e per la costruzione è un contenitore espositivo dove le aziende rappresentanti l’eccellenza del Made in Italy dei diversi settori merceologici delle costruzioni, del design e delle tecnologie per l’arredamento d’interni, hanno la possibilità di incontrare e sviluppare rapporti di business to business esclusivamente con operatori di settore, presenti su specifico personale invito, quali: tecnici delle costruzioni, architetti, ingegneri ed imprenditori edili, imprenditori del commercio dei materiali da costruzione, distributori e rivenditori.” 





Il progetto GREEN SINKS arriva in Africa alla fiera EXPO MEDINIT di Casablanca in Marocco dal 28-31 ottobre 2014 Read More »

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Delta ha presentato, come prima azienda innovativa nel comparto materiali, il progetto GREEN SINKS all’INNOV-ATTORI di Civitanova Marche 5-7 Giugno 2014

La Delta ha presentato, come prima azienda innovativa nel comparto materiali, il progetto GREEN SINKS all’INNOV-ATTORI di Civitanova Marche 5-7 Giugno 2014

Delta ha presentato, come prima azienda innovativa nel comparto materiali, il progetto GREEN SINKS all’INNOV-ATTORI di Civitanova Marche 5-7 Giugno 2014 Read More »